Fields of Harvest Questionnaire

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your request to schedule an appointment for Personal Prayer Ministry.

 Contained in the questionnaire, you will find a consent form, a brief questionnaire and an additional space for any other information that you would like to share with us.

 While we do not charge for ministry, Fields in Harvest, Inc. is funded solely by donations which enable us to maintain the standards of a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry. The suggested donation for Personal Prayer Sessions is $100 per hour. If the donation amount is a challenge, please let us know in advance, so that we can work with you to be sure that you receive the ministry that you are requesting. The generosity of those who donate enable us to minister not only to you, but also to those who may not have yet reached a place of wholeness and productivity.

 In addition to receiving your completed questionnaire prior to your session, you may also choose to make your donation prior to your session to ensure that the flow of ministry will not be interrupted.

You may choose to make your donation by:

1) PayPal on our website;, select the Donations Link that will guide you to our PayPal page.

2) CashApp $fields2harvest

 3) Venmo @Robin-Fields-14

 4) Debit/Credit card information taken by phone.

 5) Check

We are now scheduling the majority of our sessions by phone,zoom or other virtual means. Please check our upcoming events page to see if or when we may be in your area for in person sessions.

 If you make an appointment with us for ministry and need to cancel for any reason, please notify us as soon as possible, as we are often scheduling ahead.

 If we can answer any other questions for you, please do not hesitate to contact us either by email or by phone.

 We pray God's Richest Blessings on your Journey with Him!

Abundant Blessings,

Robin & Roger